Orbolandia is a self help community, where everyones knoledge can be useful for other people. The app allows to read the news, to watch the tutorials as soon as they are published and to download the apps the use of which is explained in the tutorial.
What you can do with Orbolandia.it
* View the most recent articles published on the website;
* browse the articles both for text and for category;
* add an article to favorite;
* In the article preview, it is possible to download the related app, if present, or watch the tutorial;
* Use the Widget for faster access to content;
* Choose a high-contrast color scheme;
* Use the Reader view to read articles aloud for visually impaired users;
* Choose "touch and hold" mode to activate the buttons for greater comfort;
The overview allows you to keep the categories and articles of greatest interest under control.
The app is fully accessible via assistive technology tools such as VoiceOver. Item list items have custom actions so you can perform most related tasks directly from VoiceOver.
Even tough the apps user interface is in English language the most part of shown content is in Italian.
Developers note:
I was asked to realize this app by Orbolandia moderators, in order to extend the contents of the website to as many visually impaired people as possible. I want to thank Orbolandia for the opportunity Ive been given. In order to clarify the developers position regarding the content shown in the app and, the communities in general, please carefully read the privacy terms and rules at https://claudioguida.altervista.org/terms-and-privacy-policy